Project: UNIon

UNIon is a desktop app for organizing various types of contacts, optimized for use for the vast majority of computing students. If you are already familiar with Unix commands, then UNIon will be easy for you to use.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Added the ability to remove unwanted folders command. #51
    • What it does: Allows users to remove folders that they no longer need one at a time.
    • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly as we do not want unwanted folders to remain in the app, causing wastage of storage space and searching of folders.
    • Highlights: This enhancement affects commands to be added in the future. We required it to reflect the unix command of removing directory, in this case, folders.
  • New Feature: Added the ability to change folder names to a new one. #67
    • What it does: Allows users to rename outdated folder names.
    • Justification: This feature will prevent users having to delete the folder and add the entire list of contacts again when they wish to change folder’s name. In the process, they may forget the contacts in the folder when there are large amount of contacts in the folder.
  • New Feature: Added the availability to remove specified contacts from specified folder. #98
    • What it does: Allows users to remove contacts no longer belonging to the folder.
    • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly as the inability to do so compels user to go through the whole process of deleting folder and adding everyone except that one guy that should be left out.
    • Highlights: This enhancement is affected by filtering of folders and contacts as well.
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Ensured consistency of only able to make changes to filtered list and contacts #186
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Added documentation for the feature rmdir #42
      • Added documentation for the feature mv #68
      • Added documentation for the feature of removing contact from folder rm #68
    • Developer Guide:
      • Added use case details of all the commands we are implementing #32.
      • Added UML diagram and implementation details of mv feature #96.
  • Community:
    • Contributed to forum discussions (examples: 1, 2, 3, 4)
    • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class (examples)