Rehman Sajid's Project Portfolio Page
Project: UNIon
UNIon is a desktop app for organizing various types of contacts, optimized for use for the vast majority of computing students. If you are already familiar with Unix commands, then UNIon will be easy for you to use.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
- New Feature: Adding contact to a folder #49
- What it does: Allows the user to add contacts to folder.
- Justification: To be able to organize all your contacts, it will be essential to be able to group them together. (E.g. User might want to group his classmates from tutorial classes or maybe his CCA friends)
- Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and commands to be added in the future. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives.This non-trivial feature required creation and modification of several files across the code base which gave me a good understanding of how the different components function.
- New Feature: Adding multiple contacts to a folder #95
- What it does: Allows the user to add multiple contacts into a folder in one command
- Justification: UNIon allows users to add contacts to a folder one at a time however if a particular folder has many contacts it will be tiring for a user to add all of them in one by one.
- Highlights: This command required changing some classes written in my first feature and required some careful planning on how it will handle certain user inputs. It was also a feature that required rigorous testing and debugging as there were plenty of edge cases.
Code contributed: RepoSense link
- Project management:
- Creating an initial mock up for our product
- In charge of ensuring smooth integration of all developers code
- Documentation:
- Community: